Prince Wealth Limited is a marketing agent for developers and other third party investment providers and whilst we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of information contained on our website, including figures and forecasts at the time of publication, Prince Wealth Limited does not guarantee or take responsibility for their accuracy.  Prince Wealth Limited cannot offer financial advice and is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to do so.  Please be aware, that purchases of overseas properties and other overseas investments are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.   All investors should seek relevant advice in relation to their personal circumstances before proceeding. Prince Wealth Limited acts as a promoter and/or introducer for third parties.  Authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority is required for any advice on SIPPs.  Prince Wealth Limited recommend you seek independent pension advise from FCA authorised pensions advisers.  Please refer to the FCA website www.fca.org.uk  for this purpose.  Quoted figures are not guaranteed and are dependent upon investment performance.  Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.  

This policy sets out the company’s approach to data protection and information management, including how the company manages confidential information and the precautions the company takes to keep information secure.
The policy is reviewed and updated on an annual basis if required.

Protection and security of Information Assets
The great majority of the information assets are confidential. We take care to protect confidential information applying principles set out by the company. These principles are periodically circulated to staff to remind them of their responsibilities.

Retention and Disposal of Information
We retain information for periods set out in the Information Asset Register. These periods reflect our data protection obligation not to keep personal data for longer than is necessary, and also our statutory, regulatory and business needs to keep records.
Thereafter information is disposed of securely, by shredding, electronic deletion, or otherwise as appropriate.

The company maintains a firewall to prevent unauthorised access to the company’s network and data.

Procedures to Manage User Accounts
User accounts are managed by the Directors of Prince Wealth Limited. User accounts can be disabled at any time, for example breach of security.  Accounts are disabled when a member of staff leaves the company.

Procedures to Detect and Remove Malicious Software
If, despite the precautions described elsewhere malicious software (malware) is present on the system this should be detected by the company’s anti-virus software. It is then the responsibility of the company’s IT contractor to remove the malware, according to the nature of the threat and industry standard procedures at the relevant time.

Register of Software Used by the Company
The company currently uses the following:
Microsoft 365, Outlook, Windows, Adobe.

Training for Personnel on Information Security
The company has provided all staff with its information security rules and recirculates them to all staff annually.

Updating and Monitoring of Software
All software used by the company is supported by external software suppliers who issue routine updates from time to time. 

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Data Protection Policy