Why it is possible to stop having your home repossessed even if you are behind on your
mortgage payments?
Quite simply because EVERY mortgage issued by the mortgage lenders since 1989 is .... ILLEGAL!
Mortgage lending by the major UK banks is now believed to be a corruption on a scale that
dwarfs even the PPI scandal previously perpetrated by the banks and insurance industry!
Banks do NOT actually lend you their money (known as "Consideration") when they give you a
mortgage, they create it from thin air simply by typing the number they lend you into a computer to CREATE it. It is brand new money that did not exist before. This means, in law, that the bank has not actually lent you their own money, they have just created it for you. This might seem like a “nuance” to you but in law that is illegal! Mortgage Lenders must provide “Consideration” for a mortgage. This means they must give you something they own. They do not own the money they lend you, they create it from the Mortgage Deed paperwork YOU give them. In other words, YOU give them the money…via the promise to give it to them, plus interest over the next 25 years (length of a typical mortgage).
You might think that is “common practice” (i.e. that’s what all the banks do) and it is….BUT….is not legal!! Incredibly though, because the banks have always done it like this and no-one had challenged them no-one had proven it was illegal in Court. But now they have!
And following a number of recent Supreme Court cases on this very matter we now know, not only how to stop mortgage repossessions (because they don’t legally hold the title to your property) but we even now know how to write off the entire mortgage held against you AND how to be recompensed for every payment you ever made to that mortgage company!
How is it possible to stop your home from being repossessed even if you are behind on mortgage payments?
Courts do not take any joy for being responsible for throwing you out of your house – in fact, they will happily use any legal excuse to leave you there….but they can only do that if you help them. Most people think they are going up against the banks’ well paid lawyers so don’t stand a chance, especially if the reason for the repossession is because you are behind on your monthly payments and simply cannot afford to pay what is owed.
In fact, what you are going up against is lawyers who follow a simple set of rules, step by step, to get you out of your home and unless you challenge them they don’t even have to try very hard – they just have to turn up at Court and do their bit. They can pretty much do it with their eyes shut.
HOWEVER….they have no right to repossess your house because legally, the mortgage they hold over your house is not valid!! It is just that they don’t know that and nor do you!
That’s right, the banks’ own lawyers don’t even realise that what they are doing is illegal and what is worse, nor does the Court!
So….as above, you have to help the Court and give them a reason to leave the house with you and this is where the team at our Mortgage Repossession Partners come in.
Our partners DO know the law….inside out….and following a number of recent legal cases, the law has now identified that all mortgages started since 1989 are, in fact, not legally compliant.
You don’t even need to pay a lawyer to represent you in Court (although it helps). Just use the information pack our Partners provide you which includes letters to the mortgage lender and example court rulings to the Court outlining why the Mortgage Lender has no claim on your property and the Court will do the rest for you. Don’t worry, if that all sounds a bit daunting our Partners will help and guide you through the process!
If you would like to know more or need urgent help to stop a repossession RIGHT NOW, simply click on the link below and complete the quick enquiry form or email us at enquiries@princewealth.co.uk and we will be in touch.
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